Basic Desire: “It’s important to me that I am accepted and viewed as worthwhile.”
Basic Fear: “What if I’m only as worthy as what I can achieve?”
Super Ego Message: “I believe I will be ok as long as I am constantly achieving new things.”
Type Threes are driven, motivated, and goal-oriented. They learned somewhere along the way that their worth is determined by what they can achieve. They tend to orient in the world with an awareness of where they stand in comparison to other people. Focusing on always doing better, achieving more, and being generally enjoyed by others. Type threes are skilled at engaging with others. They can read body language, take the temperature of a room, and get a general feeling for how they can show up to be both liked and impressive. Type Threes have very high standards for themselves and what they must accomplish, although it is often not their own ideals that drive this. Many Threes adopt their desires from society, their immediate family, or even their close friends. The focus becomes less on their personal agenda and more on what is viewed as the most successful thing to be based off of the culture they are most entrenched in.
Type Threes are inspiring, accomplished, capable, productive, efficient, and likely the person who makes you want to do more, be more, and dream bigger!
Together with Sarajane we selected Prehnite for Type Threes to provide protection and support in times of vulnerability.