What's Going On With H3mp in 2025?

What's Going On With H3mp in 2025?

| By Mari Geier
There is a move to ban your favorite TH( drinks and limit the amount of D8 in your favorite products, effectively making them illegal. You can stop it. Here is how.

It’s time to start paying attention.  Did you know that the Georgia Legislative Session is going on right now and our representatives are reviewing many proposed bills that will impact YOU!  Normally I don’t get involved in politics too much as a health food store owner, but this year, there are some things happening that we feel might impact your everyday life, specifically when it comes to access to some of your favorite products.

As you might remember, in 2024, on the final day of session, a bill was passed after everyone went home, late into the night, outlawing your access to hemp derived THCa flower.  Well the representatives are at it again and now they want to ban many of the products that you love, most notably THC drinks.  Its time to start paying attention.

What’s going on? There are two bills, SB 33 and SB254 that have crossed over from the Ga Senate to the Ga House and could be voted on next week!  

SB 33 would limit your access to D8 Vapes, D8 Tinctures and your favorite Lights Out, Hello Mellow and Sky High Gummies. 

Read more about SB 33 and see who to contact here>

SB 254 BANS THC Drinks!  It also would limit your access to D8 Vapes, D8 Tinctures and your favorite gummies. We must contact everyone we can to stop this bill from passing.

Read more about SB 254 and see who to contact here>

Get more information on all the bills that concern cannabis here> Note that Aviva does all this because she believes that the cannabis plant can help so many people.  She is a wonderful advocate so I encourage everyone to support her financially if you can!

Why is this happening? For SO MANY REASONS.  But much of it is motivated by outside influence from other parts of the cannabis industry trying to control and profit by creating a monopoly and from uneducated elected officials in our government that still believe cannabis has no medicinal value.

Why get involved now you ask?  For SO MANY REASONS.  My ask of you today isn’t just about calling and emailing about the hemp bills. This is a call to action for every person who values the freedom to choose their health on their terms.

Our senators and representatives in the state of Georgia are not listening to us. But now, if we don’t pay attention, in the dark night, by no vote of ours, they will substitute in the world that they want, not the one that we value.

This is happening now. This is not a conspiracy theory. It is time to start paying attention to what is happening in our local and state governments.  Here is what you can do:

Learn the rules of the government game here>

Start by knowing who your local state representatives are. Do this by going to the Georgia My Voter Page and entering your information.  Keep this site bookmarked for the future.

Then go to the US Hemp Roundtable Page.

I would like each of you to personally click on the links provided, fill in your address and send off the notes to your representatives. Then I would like for each of you to pick up the phone and call your representative and just say, "hey, I really want continued access to these products. I do NOT want to see SB 33 or SB 254 or any form of these bills to pass. I like my THC drink. It’s good for me, and I’m an adult. I should be able to choose." Then, of course thank them for their time and remember that person‘s name.

I need you to do this NOW, today if possible but before the end of the day on Monday at the latest.

Then when you get a few minutes this weekend or next week, I want you to look through all these other things that are going on in our state.  Its time to make sure you know what the process is, when things happen and what you can do to protect your freedoms.  For example, did you know that there is a bill that passed through the GA senate (SB 144) with a 42 yea to 12 nay vote eliminates our ability to make a claim against a pesticide company?  The folks in the senate do not believe glyphosate is toxic for us as humans.  They are quite uneducated on this topic.  And there is still time to stop it! 

I’ll leave you with this.  It has become our responsibility to start standing up for ourselves because no one is coming to save us. But together we can work to make true health possible for ourselves and our community.  I believe there is hope. All you need to do is JOIN ME.



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