Bone Densi-T provides synergistic nutrients to support bone health and skeletal integrity. The stronger your bones, the less likely they are to break when you fall, or ache as you get older.*
Beau-T™ supports healthy tissues throughout the body and nourishes hair, skin and nails. It supports the health of all three, and it specifically helps with growth of hair and nails.
B/P Stabili-T (formerly Hyper-T) helps to promote healthy blood circulation and normal blood pressure. It helps protect against the formation of plaque in the blood vessels, and it helps slow the circulation of stress hormones.*
Anxie-T™ helps the body feel more calm and relaxed, mentally and physically. It can nourish the nervous system, providing a sense of wellbeing and relaxation. Anxie-T supports the body’s natural ability to deal with common symptoms of stress.
Adrenal-T™ supports the body’s natural ability to rejuvenate, manage stress and conserve energy. It supports healthy endocrine system functions, which supports healthy mental and physical performance.