Basic Desire: “It’s important to me that I’m liked.”
Basic Fear: “What if no one ever loves me as I am?”
Super Ego Message: “I often believe that I am as worthy as I am love-able, that my worth is related to how wanted I am.”
Type Twos are helpful, generous, warm, and loving. They learned somewhere along the way that love is earned through what we do for other people. They tend to see the world as a sea of emotional temperatures. Picking up the energy that people are sharing and adjusting their own behavior to meet the needs they perceive in the room. The impulse to serve from a Two isn’t necessarily conscious. In fact, to most Twos it’s second nature and seems like the most natural thing in the world to step in and meet the need of someone—especially someone they don’t know very well.
Type Twos are considerate, patient, gracious, forgiving, and are likely the person who has made you feel the most loved in your life.
Together with Sarajane we selected Rhodonite for Type Twos to cultivate, nourish, and amplify self-love, self care, and self reflection!