Basic Desire: “It’s important to me that I find an identity that expresses the truth of who I am and helps me find my significance.”
Basic Fear: “What if I am not significant in any way?”
Super Ego Message: “It’s the most important thing for me to always be true to who I am.”
Type Fours are deep, expressive, and nostalgic. They often felt rejected by or different than their family of origin. This created a deep desire in the Four to not only be understood but to also find their personal significance. Type Fours tend to orient in the world with an awareness of what is missing. They see themselves as fundamentally flawed and often turn that internal experience into an external representation of being different or unique. Fours walk through the world with the belief that there is something everyone else seems to have but they don’t possess. The target for this may change from gumption, to work ethic, to charisma, to anything else under the sun. Through this belief they may find themselves feeling easily defeated. There can be a "why try if I’m only going to mess it up anyway?” approach to things.
Type Fours are emotionally in tune, aesthetically gifted, authentic, romantic, idealistic, and have a beautiful ability to see the world as living art.
Together with Sarajane we selected Sunstone for Type Fours to facilitate self-acceptance and an appreciation of one's value.