Basic Desire: “It’s important to me that I maintain my peace of mind.”
Basic Fear: “I worry about creating rifts with people in my life that cannot be repaired.”
Super Ego Message: “I know that I will be ok as long as those around me are also ok.”
Type Nines are empathetic, easy going, and peaceful. In childhood Nines learned that the best way to keep the peace was to minimize their own presence. They absorbed the idea that if they were to speak up and ask for what they need, then they would just be creating more problems. This can lead to a lifetime of learning to merge their desires with the needs of the room. A practice that ultimately makes Nines quite likable and also disconnected from a deep understanding of who they really are and what they want.
Type Nines are conscientious, adaptable, selfless, and likely the most likable person you know.
Together with Sarajane we selected Iolite for Type Nines to encourage self-awareness, self-expression, and discover and use one's own voice.